Thursday, August 4, 2011

Beautiful Dancing

it's been forever (i'm pretty sure i say this at the beginning of every post haha). . I've had time to blog, but have been too lazy to put any effort forward. life has been good. God has done a lot over the past month, and it's amazing to me how he softens hard hearts. I've really been wanting to seek Him more, and get to know who He is even better. . The best way to do that is obviously by reading His word. Reading the Bible has always been a weakness of mine. Something so simple, yet I make it a huge task in my mind and therefore put it off for long periods of time. I started reading it more over the past month, though, and I began to experience a difference in my life. I didn't realize the extreme joy and peace I have been missing out on for a long time. It was there before, but it became even bigger as I started to see who He really is. I didn't realize how much life I was missing out on. Everyday tasks have become less of a chore and more of an adventure as I see God moving in my life and in others. It takes a lot to get me feeling sad or discouraged. .going to work is not a burden anymore. I want to shout to everyone in the world how amazing and beautiful my Savior is and that he came to give us LIFE, and He wants everyone to experience this. I walked in a dim season of life for a long time, and I remember those days of feeling discouraged and as though life was a chore, but I want people to know that there is hope, joy, and peace and He offers it freely to everyone. I was stuck in a rut with my walk with God. I was marching along. .I had a routine. But my march is becoming a dance. . and with that dance comes joy and freedom in Him.

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