Sunday, June 19, 2011

one day at a time!

This has been an interesting week! I dealt with a lot of choices being before me, and am dealing with a rebellious heart . . Yes, I realize I'm always wanting my own way, but some weeks you just notice it more than others :) I'm not sure what God is doing. .or maybe I am. I know He's after my heart. I know He wants me to come back to Him and to serve Him alone. I know that I'm wanting Him, but I'm not always willing to fight. Right now is one of those times. I also know that He's full of grace and mercy. So I'm praying He'll bring me back to forgiveness and grace. If you don't mind, would you pray for me too? I know that He's stretching me, and I want to honor Him through it all!

So school. . even during the blissful summertime, I have to think about school. How will it be paid for and what classes am I able to take? Well, first off, two classes I needed to take are offered only in the fall semester and this semester they were both at night. Which is the same time my job is. So after a few tears and going over my schedule, I decided to stay at Virginia Western an extra semester. Not what I had planned at all! I wanted to graduate this upcoming May, but it looks like it will be next December instead. Trying to trust God with the details :) Second, as of right now, I do not qualify for financial aid. Another thing I did not plan on happening (I'm seeing a huge trend here :). So I submitted some more tax stuff and am praying I get financial aid! i won't be able to take very many classes if I don't get it. So we'll see what happens this fall :)

I might post more tomorrow. . I don't want to bore you with all the small details of my life in one post :) I need to get more regular with posting though! I know I keep saying that. . .maybe one day I'll blog more :)

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