Wednesday, May 11, 2011

beauty in pain

do you ever hurt because others are hurting? i've been feeling that a lot. .especially with girls close to my age. there is so much pain, and sometimes I don't know what to say or do with it. Other than sympathize, and pray. I know that God will bring them through. . that He has the ability to bring healing. Also, remembering that he uses the pain to sanctify us. I think pain is a beautiful thing. . crazy? maybe. But as somebody who has seen a lot of pain in many forms, I think it helps shape us into who we are. The pain allows us to relate on so many different levels. . it does have the ability to consume us if we let it, but if we turn to God for the comfort, we have the ability to realize He uses it for good. Believing in an all-knowing Savior is the only thing that has the ability to truly comfort us in our pain. Thankful that He controls our past, present, and future. .and that He comforts us!

"Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name"
~Matt Redman

1 comment:

  1. You aren't crazy! I totally agree with you about how pain forms us to who we are. Speaking from experience. God use the bad and the good to work in our lives. And actually Blessed Be The Name was the very song I would use to worship during these hard times.
    Sometimes, all we can do is pray for others. And I think letting them know we are praying, is comforting. God really uses that. I know for me He did. He turns our ashes in to beauty!
