Wednesday, April 20, 2011

so close!

Fifteen and a half days until I am on summer break! I cannot wait. . it's been such a crazy school year, and I feel I've learned a lot. . not just academically, but just about life in general. God has been stretching me to new limits, and despite my doubts, has given me so much grace in the process! I never thought I would be a full time student with two jobs. . .but He has given grace each day! Regardless, I am definitely ready for a break from school! :) Ready to spend time with people, and just have fun! Also, I miss reading. I haven't read a book since. . .well, a long time. I actually sat here trying to figure it out, but couldn't remember. So thankfully I have a large amount of books that have been given to me that I have yet to read. I am determined to finish every single one this summer.

I am also determined to make it to the beach. No idea how it will happen, but it WILL happen :) Even if it's just a weekend. .I also just want to drive around for a day. No where to go. . just drive, and listen to music. .and think! Kinda crazy to waste gas, I know. . especially if it goes up to five dollars a gallon this summer. Which is crazy to me. I think everything just needs to stop being so expensive! It is not fair that living life costs so much :P

Oh, and my newest love? Country music. . I've liked a few songs here and there in the past, but lately I am just having fun finding even more country songs that I love! It's just kinda feel good music. . well, depending on the artist. Some songs are just plain depressing. I love it anyways, though!

And now you are probably wondering, "Why am I sitting here reading this blog post?" It's ok, I'm not sure why I'm writing it :) Other than the fact that I just wanted to write a blog post.

So that is all :)

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