Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It's been almost a month since I've posted. Life has been full! School and work occupy most of my time, but life is good :) God's blessings are abounding, and He's teaching me a lot! Some of the main things He's been teaching me about are perseverance, loving unconditionally, and the importance of abiding in Him.

Perseverance is something that I'm often not good at . . I have a tendency to start something and do well at it for awhile, but then I tend to get bored and give up all together. Last semester was a difficult semester for me. . I procrastinated in my school a lot and therefore was stressed 98% of the time. This semester I have tried to be diligent in my studying and not wait until the last minute. I want to do my best and persevere though this busy season of life. God has been gracious and given me a lot of strength and joy. .it's been a blessing! There are days where I really want to quit my job at Baja Bistro, but God's helping me to view it as a blessing. He's given me both jobs as a way of provision, and I need to be thankful for that and persevere.

I've really had a difficult time with loving unconditionally (I'm pretty sure God is always helping me to love others). .I have a hard time being patient with others when they annoy me. I feel like I've written about this before, but it's really something that God seems to be continuously working on in my life. 

So overall, God's doing a great work. . I'm really learning to embrace every season of life that He has me in. I want to give Him the glory! Love how He loves to bless His children!

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