Sunday, March 3, 2013


We live in a world that is crying out for someone to save them. A world that is asking for something or someone to numb the pain. Hopelessness overwhelms them as they realize that nothing ever fully takes away the pain. The memories become their demons. They turn to drugs, sex, alcohol, and money to satisfy them. This world is crying out for help.

I understand I can never save the world. I want to. I want to take away people’s pain. I work in a counseling office and I see so much. Children that cut, drug addicts, soldiers with memories that paralyze them, and couples whose marriages are falling apart. Day in and day out I struggle to not be overwhelmed with all the pain I see.

I just heard a song tonight called Otherside by Macklemore. Normally I would not condone this type of song, but it affected me to the point of tears. This song so perfectly describes the world of pain that people are living in and the battle they are facing. (I posted the link to the song below, but it does contain sensitive content just as a warning):

After listening to this song, I was overwhelmed by the fact that Jesus chose me. I don’t have to turn to those things the world promises will satisfy. Jesus saved me and is my hope forever. When things get hard and life feels depressing, I have a Savior that has given me life and hope. I don’t have to despair because my hope is not in the things of this world.

As I said above, I realize I cannot save the world, but I am also aware that I have a responsibility to show Christ to others. Sometimes that will be through my actions. Other times it will be through my words. But we have a responsibility to share this good news. We live in a world that is crying out for help and it’s so easy for me to sit back and do nothing about it. How selfish of me!

We look at so many people, but don’t really see them. Take the time to listen to people. Take the time to be there for them, and support them. Don’t bash the people that seem rude and unreasonable. As Christians there is a responsibility we have to love those people. Love is not about loving others just when it’s easy. It’s about being patient and kind during the difficult times.  Let’s try to reach the world and be a light because everyone is fighting a hard battle and there is a glorious Savior who can bring healing and joy despite the troubles of this world. Let’s not keep Him to ourselves. Let’s share this amazing news. Love others like Christ loves us.

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