Sunday, December 2, 2012


Last night I was reading my journal. It's taken me two and a half years to fill it up! When I do write it's usually because I'm learning a huge life lesson. As I was reading, I saw a main theme in my journal entries: a dire need for my Savior (I know this, but sometimes you just need to be reminded) and an unwillingness to wait. There were some entries where I was convinced God would not provide what I needed or desired. There were other entries where I just felt hopeless and as though I was failing at life (probably because I was ;). I also saw how God has changed me and yet even now how He's asking me to wait. Wait for His perfect timing.

 It's something I've been told my entire life by various people: "Just trust God and know that He'll give you what you need when you need it." Well, sometimes I just don't want to be told that :) This week has been a huge lesson in waiting. I could easily grab the very things I desire, and yet to grab them at this moment would mean not waiting on God. The things I desire for my life are good things, but they're distracting me from the one thing I need to be investing in. Sometimes I get so distracted by just "living life" that I forget to seek the one thing that gives me that life. The One who gives me joy and peace. The One who has changed my life forever. I think He's asking me to really become satisfied in Him and to rest in Him before I go running after everything else.

The very day I came to this realization I was on Pinterest (I might have an addiction...) and came across what is now a favorite quote:

"Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for." - Charles Stanley

So there you have it. I value the things I'm waiting for and I'm willing (at least for now :) to wait. He really does know what we need and He wants to bless us. So I'm trusting His promises and excited to see what He does while I'm waiting!

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